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UN Location Code :PTM
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2 November 2018
Port Complex

The 5th edition of Tangier Logistics Days, organised by Tanger Med, was held on November 2nd, 2018 at Tanger Med Port Center. It brought together a large national and international community, including manufacturers, logistics providers, carriers, academics and experts, to discuss the digital challenges and their impact on the supply chain’s various elements.

The new technologies brought by the digital age have shaken up everything. Today, the logistics sector, which is more connected, more sophisticated, and more open than ever, must also face the challenges of this digital transformation. Under the theme “Digital Supply Chain: Reinforced Links”, the 5th edition of Tangier Logistics Days focuses on the impact of the digitization on all of the value chain elements of the Supply Chain, a topic that fits perfectly into the current trend and which developments are likely to shift the business models, the competitive environment, the organisations and their operation, trades and work patterns. It is a profound paradigm shift that is affecting the entire supply chain at all levels. The main objective is to remain competitive.

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