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7 July 2023

The Association Dalia of Water Sports, supported by Tanger Med Group, organized under the patronage of the Fédération Royale Marocaine de Voile (FRMV) the Moroccan Sailing Championship from July 04 to 07, 2023, under the theme “Sailing, a passion and a sport for young people”.

This light sailing championship in the Optimist, ILCA7, and ILCA6 series saw the participation of 8 Moroccan clubs, including those from Dalia, Rabat, Agadir, Mohammedia, Al Jadida, M’diq, Tangier, and the Casablanca Royal Navy Club.

The best male and female sailors were rewarded and celebrated at the prize-giving ceremony, held on Friday, July 07, in the presence of Mr. Abdelkhaleq Merzouqi, Governor of the Fahs Anjra Province, the Royal Moroccan Sailing Federation, local authorities, and Tanger Med representatives. A total of 9 heats were sailed in weather conditions favorable to the practice of this nautical discipline.

Categories and Winners:

  • Athlete Baalaoui Qossay distinguished himself by taking first prize in the ILCA 7 Men category.
  • Hariss Zineb took first prize in the ILCA 6 Women’s category.
  • In the Optimist series, athlete Oulal Rayane was elected first in his category.
  • In the Optimist junior series, the youngest athlete, Kabcha Adam, was crowned first.

In addition, a team ranking in the Optimist category distinguished the best Moroccan teams:

  • The team from the Association Sportive Yacht Club du Maroc won the title of Moroccan Champion.
  • The team from the Association Dalia des sports nautiques club took second prize.
  • The team from the Royal Navy Nautical Club won third prize.

As part of its social commitment and openness to the environment, Tanger Med Group launched the Dalia Sailing School in 2022, close to Tanger Med port complex, to introduce children from the Fahs Anjra province to sailing.

A specific program has been set up by Tanger Med Group to make this water sport accessible to local children while promoting their personal development. In 2022, almost 400 pupils from 11 different schools in the Fahs Anjra province benefited from the introductory courses.

Since its opening, the school’s support teams have witnessed the birth of real vocations among young local children, who are trained and sponsored by the school, many of whom are beginning to take part in sporting competitions, including this national championship organized today in Dalia.

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