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UN Location Code :PTM
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VHF contact (24/7 service) :Channel 14
27 November 2023
Logistics Zone

AGF Freezers Ltd, a major global player in the design of food freezing equipment, has established its presence in the MedHub Logistics Zone in partnership with TIMAR Group, an international transport and logistics specialist. The aim of this collaboration is to simplify the shipping, delivery, and storage of AGF parts and equipment for customers.

Located at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, the AGF Freezers warehouse in Tanger Med Logistics Zone boasts an advantageous location, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and advanced technologies, enabling the efficient management of large volumes of goods. TIMAR Group takes care of customs clearance, transport, and warehousing.

This synergistic collaboration between AGF Freezers and TIMAR Group will optimize processes and improve connectivity, both nationally and internationally. AGF customers will benefit from the added value of more efficient regional logistics.

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