Météo - Tutiempo.net
Position :o 35° 53′ N o 005° 30′ W
Country Code :MA
UN Location Code :PTM
Port Locode :MAPTM
VHF contact (24/7 service) :Channel 14
20 March 2024
Port Complex

Ane Maersk, the first methanol-powered large container ship embodying the decarbonization of shipping, made its very first call at Tanger Med Port Complex on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024.

Measuring 350 meters in length, this green methanol-powered vessel inaugurates a series of eighteen large vessels to be delivered between 2024 and 2025 by Maersk.

This eco-friendly vessel was welcomed at Tanger Med Port Complex with a formal salute to the sea, marking the energy transition now underway on the high seas.

The 16,592 TEU container ship originated from the port of Colombo and headed for Felixstowe, Hamburg, Antwerp, London, Le Havre, then back to Asia.

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