Météo - Tutiempo.net
Position :o 35° 53′ N o 005° 30′ W
Country Code :MA
UN Location Code :PTM
Port Locode :MAPTM
VHF contact (24/7 service) :Channel 14

Delivering your needs 24/7

Operational since 2011, the Shipchandling service consists of supplying ships in Tanger Med Port and its two anchorage zones in:

  • Goods (manufactured products only) necessary for daily life on board with the exception of all types of energy: electricity, fuel oil, fuels, or the supply of water to the vessels
  • Catering and other provisions for the crew and/or passengers
  • Drinks, tobacco, and other consumer products available as duty free to passengers and/or crew
  • Pharmaceuticals, parapharmaceuticals, and medicines
  • Drugstore, hardware, and paint products
  • Spare parts, various equipment (electrical, electronic, nautical, etc.)

The exercise of the activity of “SHIPCHANDLING” in Tanger Med Port is dependent on obtaining an authorization issued exclusively by Tanger Med Port Authority.

The use of tugs or any other supply vessel for the delivery of products to vessels in port is subject to prior authorization from the Harbor Master’s Office and visual inspection by Tanger Med Port Security Services.

The companies authorized to carry out the activity of “shipchandling” Tanger Med Port are: 

TMPA_AU_01_2022GEBR HEINEMANN MAROC31/07/2027TEL : 0661 066 270 / +34 680 572 615
FIXE : +34 956 771 493
FAX : +34 956 626 815
E-MAIL : s_akbib@heinemann-dutyfree.es / J_Mas@heinemann-dutyfree.es
TMPA_AU_01_2023MAHMOUDI SHIPPING29/02/2028FIXE : 0522 409 791 / 0522 249 781
TEL :0522 409 792
E-MAIL : n.lebardi@mahmoudishipping.ma
TMPA_AU_01_2019STRAIT DFD02/01/2025 TEL : +34 636 243 030
E-MAIL : direccion@straitdfd.com
TMPA_AU_01_2021EIS TANGER SHIPPING24/03/2026TEL : 0661  601 059 / 0666 299 366 / +34 956 630 613
E-MAIL : mjsalguero@eismaritimo.es

Need assistance?

Please contact the persons in charge of Shipchandling Services

Manager of Shipchandling Services K.bsp@tmsa.ma

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