Météo - Tutiempo.net
Position :o 35° 53′ N o 005° 30′ W
Country Code :MA
UN Location Code :PTM
Port Locode :MAPTM
VHF contact (24/7 service) :Channel 14
15 September 2023
Logistics Zone

The Marhaba campaign, which was launched on June 5 and closed on September 15, 2023, ran smoothly at Tanger Med Port.

A total of 1,616,647 passengers and 412,635 vehicles passed through the port, an increase of 26% and 27% respectively compared with 2022.

During the arrival phase, two peaks were recorded during the weekends of July 15 and 16, and July 29 and 30, corresponding to arrivals of 39,666 and 52,415 passengers respectively.

As for the return phase, a peak was recorded on August 25 and 26, corresponding to a departure of 63,515 passengers.

Passengers were asked to bring a firm return ticket with them to the port to guarantee access, particularly during the busy period.

Throughout the Marhaba campaign, Tanger Med Port Authority set up its special arrangements in coordination with the relevant players, to support the arrival and departure of Moroccans living abroad under the best possible conditions.

All the players involved in the operation remained fully mobilized throughout, including the Local Authority, the General Directorate for National Security, Customs, Border Health Control, and the Royal Gendarmerie, in coordination with the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity.

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