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28 June 2019
Port Complex

On Friday, June 28th, 2019, HRH the crown Prince Moulay El Hassan represented HM King Mohammed VI, launched port operations of the new Tanger Med 2 port, allowing the platform Tanger Med Port Complex become the first capacity in the Mediterranean area.

Tanger Med is the fruit of HM King Mohammed VI’s royal vision set out during his 2003 speech revealing his wish to make Tanger Med “an integrated regional development model”. Tanger Med consolidates the Kingdom of Morocco’s anchoring in the Euro-Mediterranean area and enhances its vocation as a pole of exchange between Europe and Africa, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, and at the same time reinforces its central role as an active and well integrated partner in terms of international exchanges and global economy

“The Tanger Med complex reflects the accomplishment of a strong-willed royal visionary ambition. The implementation site envisioned by His Majesty the King for this project, at the crossroads of maritime routes has proved to be appropriate and relevant ” said Mr. Fouad BRINI, President of Tanger Med.

Indeed, Tanger Med is located on the Strait of Gibraltar at the crossroads of the major East / West and North / South maritime routes connecting Asia, Europe, the Americas and Africa.

The additional capacity of the two new Tanger Med 2 terminals is 6 million containers. The total capacity of Tanger Med is now more than 9 million containers. The extension of the mega port is pursuing the development momentum experienced in northern Morocco.

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