Météo - Tutiempo.net
Position :o 35° 53′ N o 005° 30′ W
Country Code :MA
UN Location Code :PTM
Port Locode :MAPTM
VHF contact (24/7 service) :Channel 14
25 April 2023
Logistics Zone

Tanger Med Port Logistics zone is experiencing rapid growth in logistics flows, making it necessary to expand the services offered to operators in the zone.

As part of this support, the on-call service for processing incoming and outgoing goods requests is now available to MEDHUB operators from 5:00 pm to 2:00 am. This measure aims to facilitate and improve the operational efficiency of MEDHUB customers in their day-to-day operations. This will enable operators to have their requests processed quickly and efficiently, thereby simplifying procedures, and improving service quality.

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