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16 September 2023

From September 14 to 15, 2023, Tanger Med Zones participated at the Investment Management Exhibition 2023, alongside a number of renowned speakers, including investment promotion agencies, industrial investors, and public sector administrators. With topics ranging from sustainable development models for special economic zones, investment and consumer trends, foreign direct investment trends in Africa, and much more, Tanger Med Zones has established itself as an international player and a key player in global value chains.

Tanger Med Zones, in particular, was recognized by experts and participants of IME as the embodiment of a successful model of public-private partnership adapted to the African context. Its high-quality infrastructure developed by an integrated ecosystem, its 360-degree services, and its one-stop-shop platform are all attractive assets for foreign investors and industrial operators stemming from this partnership.

Sustainability was also a central point of discussion, with the question of how public-private partnership projects can reconcile government orientations and private sector needs to guarantee a coherent, high-performance environment in favor of development objectives. In this regard, Mr. Ahmed Bennis, Managing Director of Tanger Med Zones, said in his speech: “Faced with the challenges posed by various crises, Tanger Med, as a public-private project, has made sustainability a core value of its port, logistics, and industrial activities. With this in mind, Tanger Med has drawn up an action plan focusing on human capital, energy consumption, transparent governance, and territorial sustainability.”

The Investment Management Exhibition provided an excellent networking opportunity with investment promotion agencies to gain meaningful insights into various aspects of investment promotion around the world.

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