Météo - Tutiempo.net
Position :o 35° 53′ N o 005° 30′ W
Country Code :MA
UN Location Code :PTM
Port Locode :MAPTM
VHF contact (24/7 service) :Channel 14

A pleasant setting for the reception and comfort of sailors

The Seafarer Club of Tanger Med is located in the immediate vicinity of the Port Complex. It has a panoramic view of the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar and offers sailors calling at Tanger Med port a real moment of relaxation and leisure.

Relaxation areas for a pleasant stopover

The seafarer club of Tanger Med offers several spaces

A wide range of other sports and cultural activities near Tanger Med

The Seafarer Club at Tanger Med offers the opportunity to enjoy several other activities near the Port Complex:
namely the immediate access to Dalia beach, hiking activities, visiting the Ksar Sghir archaeological museum, etc.

Book your stay at Tanger Med Seafarer Club

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