Tanger Med Port Authority pilots the process of welcoming vessels and ensuring that maritime calls are carried out in the best possible conditions.
The officers of the Harbor Master’s Office are in charge of the reception of vessels, the Port Police, the surveillance and inspection of maritime traffic within the administrative limits of the Port as well as the management of the vessels’ calls.
Planning and reception of the vessels in the best conditions
The officer in charge of planning and welcoming vessels acts as a contact person for all stakeholders in relation to ports of call. The officer is in charge of programming, technical analysis and regulatory processing of calls with long- and short-term planning, allowing an optimal exploitation of the Port’s potential while guaranteeing a follow-up of the Port infrastructures in relation with the reception of vessels.
The officer validates terminal berthing schedules, ensuring that the Port’s operating limits are complied with and that vessel services are ordered (piloting, towing, mooring). In addition, they monitor the maintenance of the depths of the channels, turning circles and quays in Tanger Med port, as well as the updating of the bathymetric surveys.

Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) available 24/7
Tanger Med Port VTS manages maritime traffic in the basins, roads, and anchorage zones of the Port Complex. The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is composed of 5 VTS Supervisory Officers and 10 Traffic Control Officers who have the necessary certificates to carry out their functions in accordance with the IALA recommendations on training and certification standards for personnel operating in the VTS.
Tanger Med Port Authority has launched a project to develop a new state-of-the-art Port Management Information System (PMIS) based on modern Smart port tools for port operations and digitalization, including the implementation of Just-In-Time (JIT), Machine Learning, AI, and other innovative solutions.
This new PMIS aims to meet the needs of shipowners and major shipping alliances that dock at Tanger Port Complex, to optimize their maritime calls and to use standardized information and data.

Effective supervision by the Port of Call Officer
The intervention officer is constantly on-site at the Port and is therefore the representative of the Harbor Master’s Office in the field.
This person is in charge of the effective supervision of the entry, exit and deballasting maneuvers inside the Port, and the availability or not of the quays in case of difficult weather conditions (fog, surf, etc.). They are the interface between the Harbor Master’s Office and the ships’ captains and are responsible for enforcing Port regulations by carrying out regular inspection rounds in all Port facilities.
This Port Response Office has 15 Port of Call Officers and, like the VTS, is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Optimized management of maritime calls
Digital services are offered to welcome the vessels in the best conditions:

The automation of exchanges with container terminals has allowed for the establishment of a platform that can display the master berthing schedule at Tanger Med Port. This schedule, which is updated automatically, also supplies the Port Movement Management System with the necessary data from the terminals.
The Port Slot Reservation System is designed to handle the port movements of a special category of vessels within the Tanger Med Port Complex. Its purpose is to allow large vessels to reserve time slots during which they have absolute priority for the execution of their movements (Berthing or Mooring).
This module is a means of continuously exchanging information, in a fluid and transparent manner, between the various players in the Port (terminal operators, Harbor Master’s Office, shipowners, etc.) and allows for a clear optimization of the management of port movements in order to anticipate periods of heavy traffic in advance and avoid waiting periods for vessels.
Safe loading, unloading, and storage of dangerous goods
The Port Authority has a compendium regarding the management of dangerous materials in the Port Complex. This document sets the conditions for the passage of each class of dangerous materials, in terms of admissible quantity, safety measures to be observed, conditions of storage, handling and circulation of these dangerous materials.
For more information on the dangerous goods management service at Tanger Med Port
Need assistance ?
Contact the persons in charge of Vessel Reception