Météo - Tutiempo.net
Position :o 35° 53′ N o 005° 30′ W
Country Code :MA
UN Location Code :PTM
Port Locode :MAPTM
VHF contact (24/7 service) :Channel 14
25 September 2024

On September 25, 2024, Tanger Med Port Complex hosted the 11th edition of the “SIMULEX-24″ simulation exercise, aimed at testing the effectiveness of the National Emergency Plan (PUN) in combatting accidental marine pollution. This large-scale exercise, conducted in collaboration with various ministerial departments, the Royal Armed Forces, and local authorities, mobilized maritime, land, and air resources.

The scenario involved a leak of 3,000 m³ of heavy fuel oil from a tanker off the coast of the Complex.Tanger Med Port, affecting Dalia beach and requiring response operations at sea, on land, and in the port. The exercise provided an opportunity to assess coordination between the various players and raise awareness of the importance of protecting the marine and coastal environment.

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